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Your Construction Coach

Updated: Oct 14, 2022

We have discussed in previous posts the importance of creating your project team.

In reality, all team members are not present at all times. Designers come before builders and general decisions come before specific ones. As more people become involved, current team members are required to bring the newcomers up to speed. There is one team member that stands with you from beginning to end, your construction coach.

Your construction coach is a person who researches the construction industry daily. They keep track of trends, technology, methods, and materials. Your construction coach offers you advice through the entire process and helps you make design decisions. Your construction coach helps you hire other team members and guides you through the complex process of both design and construction. They design your building and communicate the decisions. Your construction coach is, of course, your Architect. No one knows your project better.

The residential world is notorious for handing off drawings and expecting perfect communication with the contractor. The reality is, contractors are faced with the impossible task of seeing the thousands of decisions on paper and not missing any of the detail. Without an architect, as the owner, you are faced with coordinating the design and seeing that it is executed as intended.

If your building a home or an investment project, think of building a team. A team with a coach, someone who sees the project from beginning to end. A project without an architect is a team without a coach regardless of how good the players are.

© 2020 by Clements Wimsatt Architects PLLC


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